SPC cannot accept online payments, process or distribute financial aid, or provide refunds between 3:00 pm on Friday, June 28, through Thursday, July 4


Saint Paul College students at the graduation ceremony.

Congrats to the Class of 2024

Nearly 500 students celebrated their educational accomplishments at our commencement ceremony on May 6 at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium in Saint Paul. More than 40 PSEO students earned both an AA degree and their High School diploma at the same time.

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Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) at the British Wildlife Centre, Surrey, England. Photo Sunday August 17th 2008.

Saint Paul College Welcomes Its First-Ever Mascot: The Fox!

After a year-long collaborative process that included students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends, Saint Paul College is thrilled to unveil its first-ever mascot – the **Fox!** Like the resourceful fox, Saint Paul College fosters a community that embraces challenges and transforms them into opportunities.