FT English Instructor

Justin Bonnett

Academic Affairs, Liberal and Fine Arts

Justin Bonnett is a full-time English instructor at Saint Paul College. After teaching, coaching, and mentoring for ten years in the Saint Paul Public Schools district, Justin Bonnett joined the Saint Paul College English department in 2009. He received his M.A. in English from the University of Saint Thomas in 2007 and his B.A. in English with a minor in education from Saint John’s University in 1998. Although he always knew that he would become a teacher, Justin had a hard time choosing what to teach because of his wide range of interests. He decided that English would best meet his desire to explore all realms of life because writing and literature encompass everything. As an educator, not only has Justin had the opportunity to teach, but just as importantly, he has had the opportunity to be taught. The students at Saint Paul College bring a world of experiences to his classroom, and through their writing and discussions, Justin has been able to absorb a knowledge that he could acquire nowhere else. The Latin proverb which states that “By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn” is true for Justin on many levels. Justin’s hobbies include walking, running, bicycling, and going on adventures which require walking, running, and cycling. He and his wife have bicycled across many countries and have through-hiked numerous long trails, including the 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. Although their current primary adventure is raising three children, bicycle trailers and backpacks allow for plenty family-friendly biking and hiking.