Learning Communities

Learning is often strengthened when working closely with other students. Enrollment in Learning Communities helps you connect with other students and significantly increases your chances of passing and excelling in your coursework. 


What is a Learning Community?

A learning community is a pair of courses grouped with a common theme. Instructors work together to create assignments and learning experiences that cross over into each class. The same group of students work together to form a community that supports one another’s academic achievements. Learning communities are recognized as a High-Impact Practice by the Association of American Colleges and Universities and correlate to higher success rates.

Benefits of a Learning Community
Increasing your confidence as you work closely with supportive classmates. Deeper learning as you study related subjects and disciplines together. Faster completion where you may finish a course sequence in one semester instead of two.

Fall 24 Learning Communities

Writing Our Values: Comp 1 for English Learners

This learning community pairs ENGL 1711: Composition 1 with EAPP 0900: Academic Reading & Writing. Assignments in the Academic Reading & Writing course will support the work in Composition 1, giving you a chance to develop your language skills while earning transferable college credit.

The courses in this learning community are co-requisites, which means you must register for BOTH courses in each section.

Section 30

Section 31

Reading & Writing for College Success 2

This learning community pairs READ 0722: Reading 2 and ENGL 0922: Fundamentals of Writing 2. It is designed to help you develop reading, writing, and thinking skills essential to college success.

The courses in this learning community are co-requisites, which means you must register for BOTH courses in each section.

Section 33

Writing Your Path: Composition 1 & Critical Reading for COMPASS Students

This learning community is for students in the COMPASS Program. It pairs ENGL 1711: Composition 1 and READ 1350: Critical Reading & Thinking. It will help you develop the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills for a successful path through college and beyond. The courses in this learning community are co-requisites, which means you must register for BOTH courses in each section.

Section 34

Accelerated Algebra

Accelerated Algebra pairs MATH 0910: Introductory Algebra and MATH 0920: Intermediate Algebra. It allows you to complete these courses in one semester instead of two. For some students, this means you will finish your math requirement more quickly. For other students, it means you will need less time to begin the Pre-calculus or College Algebra requirements for your major.

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Co-requisite Statistics

This learning community is designed for students who have already completed MATH 0745: Fundamental Mathematics. It pairs MATH 1740: Introduction to Statistics with MATH 0740-01: Foundation for Statistics. In this pairing, you will receive extra support to complete a college-level math requirement in one semester instead of two.

The courses in this learning community are co-requisites, which means you must register for BOTH courses in each section.

Section 1

Foundation for College Algebra and College Algebra

This learning community pairs MATH 0731 Foundation for College Algebra and MATH 1730 College Algebra. It allows students who have not yet met the pre-requisites for College Algebra to enroll in the course while receiving extra support for the college level course via the foundation course. For some students, this means you will finish your math requirement more quickly. For other students, it means you will need less time to begin the math requirements for your major.

The courses in this learning community are co-requisites, which means you must register for BOTH courses in each section.

Section 1

Section 3

Section 5

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