A collaboration led to an amazing achievement for two SPC students who finished Grandma’s Marathon last week. Joe Dornfeld and Mohamed Ahmed, who met in the Title III offices, bonded over their shared interest in pursuing this goal. They even started an SPC Running Club and set off on their running journey together!

Joe Dornfeld and Mohamed Ahmed wearing Grandma's marathon medals at the end of the race
Joe Dornfeld, Mohamed Ahmed, and Francois Nguyen at the Grandma's marathon finish line

With the formal start of a campus running club, funds were made available to help the club pursue its plans. These funds helped pay for transportation, lodging, and food to make it to Duluth in time to compete for this prestigious marathon. Long-time Math Faculty member Francois Nguyen served as the club advisor. Francois was delighted to be at the finish line in Canal Park, Duluth, and see two students from diverse backgrounds achieve this milestone despite the cold, rainy, windy weather.

Mohamed added the following key tip he learned that he wants to share with other students:

The best advice I received for running, which also applies to my studies, is to pace myself for the first 20 miles and have the mental toughness to finish the last six miles strong!”

Inspired and want to start your own club? Check out our student groups and organizations page for more details about SPC Student Life organizations, including places to connect with other students outside the classroom and how to start a new club.