Nathan’s Story

From the green city parks of Hamburg, Germany, to studying psychology at SPC in the Twin Cities, Nathan’s college journey is a testament to cultural immersion and academic curiosity. His decision to study in the US stemmed from SPC’s incredible opportunities for international students, essentially making the world his classroom.

His college experience is enriched by his active participation in the Global Cultures Club, iLEAD Fellowship Program, and the Psychology Club. These experiences have honed his leadership skills, introduced him to a diverse community, and allowed him to share his passion for psychology.

Nathan recognizes Stephanie Hazen and Patti Gage as influential figures during his college journey for their inspiring instruction and invaluable support. His studies in psychology at SPC have further inspired him to pursue a Master’s Degree in the same field.

He advises incoming students to explore events and clubs to make new friends and discover interests. He also emphasizes the surprising range of course choices in college and encourages students to try different disciplines. As for his future, Nathan looks forward to completing his Bachelor’s in Psychology in the Twin Cities, marking another milestone in his global academic journey.